The Nagnata team returned to India where the brand journey began 10 years ago.
An editorial celebration and exploration of Mumbai through a shared lens with our creative collaborators SOAK.
Rising before the morning sun to immerse in the colourful chaos of the flower markets, transitioning to the ritualistic calmness of Banganga Tank and discovering new horizons on an urban rooftop overlooking Bandra and beyond.
We styled pieces by local Indian fashion designer Urvashi Kaur accented with handcrafted fine jewels by Shachee, for a fresh interpretation of the travelling Nagnata uniform.
A special thank you to our new friends who helped bring this story to life.

Creative Direction by Kshitij Kankaria & Laura May @kshitijkankaria @lauramay_
Photographer Nishanth Radhakrishnan @nishanth.radhakrishnan
Model Gauri Sharma @goriiisharma @ninjasmodels
Beauty Tsu Rouge @glorious_luna
Beauty assist Lucky Saikia @luckyyyet
Fashion Assistant Karishma Diwan @karishma.diwan
Jewellery by Shachee Fine Jewellery @shacheefinejewellery_
Clothes by Urvashi Kaur @urvashikaur